Authors Guidelines

Authors’ Guidelines for Camera–Ready Submission of Accepted Papers

Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore. IEEE Xplore is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, IET, NLM, Crossref, and Google Scholar. The maximum number of pages is 6 pages, with a maximum of two extra pages.

To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, the IEEE prohibits changes to the list of authors once a paper has been submitted for review during review, revision, or (if accepted) final publication. The author list may be changed only prior to the submission deadline.

To be published in the MIUCC 2023 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event who is qualified both to present and answer questions.  Non-refundable registration fees must be paid after uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore®.

Please read the reviews of your paper and follow the reviewers’ recommendations for revising it and preparing the final version. When you are done with the revision, please print out your paper and carefully proofread it.

  1. Please log in to the conference management system at using your email and password to access the reviewers’ comments. You have to follow all the comments and suggestions for your manuscript.
    Please note that you must select the “Author” role from the top right corner drop menu if you are logged as another role (reviewer)

  2. Update your manuscript accordingly, and edit your paper using the templates provided at:

  3. This time, you need to include all the authors’ names and designation in the PDF file camera ready manuscript. You can also provide the funding details and other acknowledgements that were removed during the review process to comply with the double-blind review policy. Finally, please check the similarity score (should be within 20%) of the paper.

  4. Authors of accepted papers should also submit the IEEE copyright form. To do this, on the author console, to the right of your paper, you will find a link (Submit IEEE Copyright Form), please follow this link to complete the “Submit IEEE Copyright Form” process. At the end of this process you can download the completed IEEE Copyright Form and also you will receive it as an attachment to your email. Please save this file as {Submission.Id}_CF.pdf. you must upload this file to the Microsoft CMT system.

  5. Ensure the appropriate copyright notice at is added to the bottom of the first page of the camera-ready paper.

  6. Generate the Camera-Ready PDF using PDF-EXPRESS
    Access the IEEE PDF express plus site at:
    i. Click “New Users – Click Here”.
    ii. Enter the Conference ID [#58832], your email address, and choose a new password. Continue to enter information as prompted.
    iii. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup/creation.
    Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
    i. Enter the Conference ID [#62295], email address and password. You will be prompted to check your information. Once you accept it you will move to the next page.
    ii. For each conference paper, click “Create New Title”.
    iii. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required).
    iv. Click “Submit PDF for Checking” or “Submit Source Files for Checking or Converting”.
    v. Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file, and click “Upload File”. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.
    vi. You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress Plus-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
    vii. If necessary, revisions may be submitted (PDF or source); return to Step ii. Make sure that there are no grammatical, spelling, or content errors in articles prior to submitting to PDF eXpress.
    viii. When you receive an email with your acceptable PDF express camera ready file as IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF, save this file as {Submission.Id}_CR.pdf, you must upload this file to the Microsoft CMT system not the original one as instructed below.

  7. On the author console, to the right of your paper you will find a link (Create Camera Ready Submission), please follow this link to complete the submission.

  8. In case you have more than one accepted paper and you wish to register them all by a single author, please send an email to [email protected] containing those paper IDs.

  9. You will receive an email with registration information and payment terms.
    Please note that the deadline to complete this process is August 30, 2023.
    Failing any of the above steps will cause your paper being rejected.
    By submitting your camera ready file, you agree that MIUCC 2023 will perform a plagiarism check on your manuscript. Failing this check against academic and scientific publications standards will cause your paper being rejected.

Each paper must be presented by an author of the paper in person at the conference physically/virtually. Presentations via pre-recorded tape are not permitted. Permission to have the paper presented by a substitute presenter may be granted by the TPC Chairs under certain extraordinary circumstances. A paper not presented or presented by a non-author without prior written approval by the TPC Chairs will be removed from the final conference proceedings before uploading to IEEE Xplore®. No refund will be made to the authors of these papers.

  1. Originality
    Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Technical Papers must be submitted via the Microsoft CMT Paper Processing System.

  2. Double blind submissions
    MIUCC 2023 incorporates a rigorous double-blind review process.  All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. As an author, you are required to preserve the anonymity of your submission, while at the same time allowing the reader to fully grasp the context of related past work, including your own. Common sense and careful writing will go a long way towards preserving anonymity. Papers that do not conform to our double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review.

  3. Minimally, please take the following steps when preparing your submission:
    – Remove the names and affiliations of authors from the title page.
    – Remove acknowledgments of identifying names and funding sources.
    – Remove project titles or names that can be used to trace back to the authors via a web search engine.
    – Use care in naming your files. Source file names (e.g., “Alice-n-Bob.dvi”) are often embedded in the final output as readily accessible comments.
    – Use care in referring to related work, particularly your own. Do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer incapable of grasping the context. Instead, reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work by another author. For example, instead of “In prior work [3], we presented a routing protocol that …,” sentences in the spirit of “In prior work, Smith and Clark [3] presented a routing protocol that …” should be used. With this method, the full citation to Smith and Clark can still be given, such as “[3] J. Smith, A. Clark, “Analysis of…”, and it is not acceptable to say “[3] Reference deleted for double-blind review.”
    – The submitted manuscript or its title/abstract should not be posted on a public website, such as, or transmitted via public mailing lists.
    – The submitted manuscript (PDF file) should be text-searchable. Any submission that does not meet this requirement may be returned without review.
    – Many of the editing tools automatically add metadata to the generated PDF file containing information that may violate the double blind policy. Please remove any possible metadata that can link your manuscript to you. This includes removing names, affiliation, license numbers etc. from the Metadata as well as from the paper. Failing to meet this requirement may also lead to a rejection without review.
    Remove any embedded author/affiliation information in the PDF metadata. Go to Acrobat menu File/Properties… and remove any author information there.

  4. Length and formatting requirements
    Submitted papers must be written in the English language, with a length limit of 6 printed pages (a maximum 2 extra pages are allowed).  Papers that do not comply with the length limit will not be reviewed. Use the standard IEEE templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats found at:
    If the paper is typeset in LaTeX, please use an unmodified version of the LaTeX template IEEEtran.cls version 1.8, and use the preamble: \documentclass[10pt, conference, letterpaper]{IEEEtran}
    Do not use additional LaTeX commands or packages to override and change the default typesetting choices in the template, including line spacing, font sizes, margins, space between the columns, and font types. This implies that the manuscript must use 10-point Times font, two-column formatting, as well as all default margins and line spacing requirements as dictated by the original version of IEEEtran.cls version 1.8.
    If you are using Microsoft Word to format your paper, you should use an unmodified version of the Microsoft Word IEEE Transactions template (US letter size). Regardless of the source of your paper formatting, you must submit your paper in the Adobe PDF format.
    The paper must print clearly and legibly, including all the figures, on standard black-and-white printers. Reviewers are not required to read your paper in color.
    The submitted manuscript should be self-contained within a maximum 8 pages. Inclusion of additional material (e.g., a technical report containing the detailed math proof through an anonymous Dropbox or OneDrive link) is not allowed.